Senior Secondary - WACE 11 - 12
Students in Senior Secondary follow either an ATAR pathway for entry to University or a general pathway to prepare them for TAFE or other training before they enter the workforce. At this stage of a child’s education, each student must choose courses which best prepare them for their post-school plans.
At Heritage College we ensure that every student can access the courses which are most appropriate for them. Our track record for students achieving entry to their first choice of Tertiary study is outstanding. University bound students each select ATAR subjects which will best prepare them for their future University studies. All levels of Maths and English are catered for at Heritage College, along with a range of other courses. Students also have access to a wide range of ATAR courses through Distance Education. As students progress through Heritage College, they learn independent study skills, which have been proven to result in a much higher level of success at University.
Vocational education is essential for many students and Heritage College has a strong track record of ensuring that if a student wants a Traineeship or Apprenticeship, they are fully prepared and work ready once they leave school. Employers love our students as they are hard working, conscientious and will always do their personal best. Many of our Senior Secondary Students study Certificate II or III courses, either through TAFE or other RTOs. VET students study at TAFE for one or two days per week and study at school for the remainder of the week. Some complete their VET courses online. Our Workplace Learning program provides every student with further chances to experience jobs before making firm career decisions. This has saved many students from career false starts and heartache.
Value Adding
Unlike larger schools where only the elite students are given the opportunity to compete or perform, all of our secondary students are involved in sport and physical education, whole school Drama Productions, Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals and relationship education. We believe that every student should be able to achieve their personal best and we celebrate the successes and achievements of every student.